I can't lose D:
After the fight # 50 I can't lose, I can stand all the 40 sec doing nothing and I'm not dying XD, great game anyway
I can't lose D:
After the fight # 50 I can't lose, I can stand all the 40 sec doing nothing and I'm not dying XD, great game anyway
Liked it a lot
great graphics, sound and difficulty, great work, it's very entertaining :D
My level:
200c100001040023000000000000000000002 5010021020021030021040021050021060021 0700210800210900210a00210b00210c00210 d00210e00210f002110002111002112002113 0021140021150026000123150124000223040 20f11020f13021015022400032302031e1503 2400042302040303040604040405040506040 61504240005230a05050b05040c05040d0504 0e05061505240006230106040206040306041 0060515062400072314070f15072400082306 080f12080614080a15082400092301091d020 90f050909060909070909150924000a27010a 22020a22030a22040a22050a22060a22070a2 2080a22090a22140a17150a280a0b070b0b07 0c0b070d0b070e0b070f0b07100b07110b071 20b07130b07140b07|Time|darkusPrince|J ust a Matter of time|
great game
9989, i almost do it XD
pretty good
this game is addictive, i can't stop playing it, it is great, btw, what's the name of the background music? it was great
just love it, very intuitive, the difficult it's fine and the music it's perfect :D
very good but
it hurts my hears T_T, anyway, a great game
great, but
slow :S
nice tutorial
but it's not very intuitive, dor beginners, this is boring, you could put some background music XD, but the content it's ok
Age 33, Male
i don't know
Joined on 11/22/07